NVQs are credit-based qualifications where each unit is awarded a credit value.
Candidates must complete the desired number of credits to successfully complete the NVQ. These qualifications are vocational so they are completed at the workplace.
Nuvia has Centre Approval from PAAVQ-SET for the following qualifications:-
- Diploma in Radiation Protection Level 2
- Diploma in Radiation Protection Level 3
- Diploma in Nuclear Decommissioning Level 2
- Diploma in Nuclear Decommissioning Level 3
The advantages of the NVQ system over the college based system is that people are not taken away from their workplace and projects for long periods of time which can impact on resources and minimum personnel levels for contracts. The benefits to staff are that they get a formal qualification by proving their abilities; it demonstrates a true level of suitably qualified and experienced person (SQEP).
Nuvia has a number of qualified assessors who are very experienced in working in the nuclear industry and work closely with students to provide them with the support and encouragement to enable them to achieve the qualification.
For more information please contact rptraining@nuvia.com